… And what if I’d finally make music ?

“But by Jove, music is a dream whose veils are drawn away! It is not even the expression of a feeling, it is the feeling itself!”
Claude Debussy
Eternal student of the sound world, and after a long atypical professional career on the fringes of the musical world, I decided to devote myself fully to my passion, present since the age of 3 when I discovered the joys of the keyboard with the help of my first childhood piano.
Learning music theory and harmony will be done both self-taught and through music school in which I will integrate the basics of writing for instruments. These will also be my first performances at regional electronic organ competitions which will give me the desire to push my personal work further. Later, I undertake musical studies in high school (A3 Arts and Literature) and I move towards learning piano and drums.
At the same time, I discovered the joys of sound recording and recording with my grandfather’s analog tape recorder, with which I carried out my first sound experiments close to Pierre Henry with the objects and sounds of everyday life that I recorded.
Strengthened in this musical path, I decided to learn the basics of Midi composition on my own through Tracker-type software on Amiga and Atari ST and a few « demos » were born for alternative developers of the time. Arriving in the Paris region in 1990, I discovered the electronic movement and became a DJ in several renowned Parisian establishments and Rave-parties, in parallel with my activity as a specialized record store at USA Imports. This led me to rub shoulders with the famous DJ and electronic composer Laurent Garnier as well as Eric Morand who worked at that time for FNAC Music Dance Division. The creation of the independent label F Communications and its musical affinities led me to collaborate with other artists and labels.
Passionate about sound synthesis and analog equipment, my studio expanded. I then began training as a Sound Engineer at the École de Réalisations Audiovisuelles (ESRA) with success. My training courses in audiovisual structures (notably La Huit Productions) provided me with new learning in sound recording, audio editing and the different sound mixing techniques, as well as in video.
Alongside these activities, I created my own entirely electronic project under the pseudonym Flood Veyor, thus refining my personal style combining intimate and deep atmospheres with « technoid » sounds. This led me to collaborate with Laurent Boudic and I thus composed my first album Mindscapes. My remixes for Laurent’s musical projects thus obtain a great success of esteem and my work recognized on a larger scale. I also self-produced my 2nd album Lifelines in 2013, an intimate album where I deliver more personal pieces, based on my life journey.
Since 2000, I have considerably broadened my skills. I do many sound montages and mixes for videos and multimedia and compose in particular music for transmedia games, 3D and VR video projects, advertisements and trailers, websites, short films, contemporary dance, soundtracks for choreographed shows and other sound design activities, such as the study of binaural and isochronic sounds.
Constantly looking for new sound spaces, projects and collaborations, open-minded and non-restrictive, at the service of music and vibrational emotions… My diverse influences in different modes of artistic expression and my rich musical culture push me not to confine myself to a repertoire or field of activity, music being a global vector of emotions and universal language.
All for music and (e)motions…
Influences musicales
Everything can be a source of inspiration and come from so many different things ! As well in music as in graphic art, cinema or other forms of art or thought.
Behind all the names of artists, there are also lyricists, sound engineers, musicians and many others… It’s difficult to name everything but in the musical field, my music will certainly speak for them…